Support Mental Health America of Fredericksburg and Support Mental Wellness in our Community!

Your generosity supports opportunities to offer free mental wellness programs.

Support Mental Health America of Fredericksburg and Support Mental Wellness in our Community! image


raised towards $4,800 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Your generosity supports opportunities to offer free mental wellness programs.

  • Senior Visitors Program - $50 will provide an hour a week of companionship to a lonely senior for one month.
  • Help Line Program - $125 will provide 10 HelpLine users with appropriate and available mental health resources through our Information and Referral Program. (HelpLine 540-371-2704)
  • Suicide Prevention Education Program - $250 will provide over ten 7th and 9th grade students with skills to identify the signs and symptoms of depression and suicide – and more importantly – what to do about it.
  • Teen Support Groups - $1000 will help provide a six-week education and support group for teens (in high school) who experience anxiety/worry, stress, or depressed moods - who would like to learn skills to help them manage their emotions, thoughts, and relationships more effectively.