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Mental Health Matters

Your gift ensures that help remains free and available to our friends, family, and neighbors during 2023.

$21,200 raised

$20,000 goal

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During the pandemic we all experienced a roller coaster of emotions - some more than others.

MHAfred's staff and volunteers are passionately on the frontline, working to help each person who reaches out. With your donation, you are standing with us.

A frantic grandmother called HELPLINE after her grandson attempted suicide. However, days later, she still could not find a mental health provider accepting new clients. We were able to get the needed appointment. We also listened as she shared, through tears, her fears and feelings of failure as his guardian - we provided her the support she needed. Many other families are similarly struggling with suicide ideation, attempts, and death by suicide, which is now at epidemic levels among youth 12-18, according to the CDC. In addition to HELPLINE, MHAfred offers Support Groups to at-risk teens and Suicide Prevention Education - after presenting at one local high school, 21 students asked for help. These could be lives saved - and, as an MHAfred supporter, you helped.

Seniors have also been a group at-risk for suicide - that is why the Senior Visitors program was started.

Depression is not a normal part of aging; everyone deserves happy, healthy relationships. When you donate, you partner with MHAfred to ensure that local seniors remain vital community members. Recently, during the MHAfred annual holiday party for the program, a senior who has been matched for 19 years with the same volunteer shared how isolated and lonely she was before joining Senior Visitors. Now, she happily recruits other seniors and volunteers to join the fun. Indeed, we are making a difference - together.

I can't share enough how much we appreciate the support we receive from our community.

I lead a small staff of 5 dedicated people. Over the past year, they, and our volunteers, have risen to the challenge of meeting increased needs. For example, HELPLINE requests increased by 157% over thirty days, and we are now offering weekly follow-ups with those on a waitlist. We make the extra effort because everyone - staff, board members, and volunteers - believe that no one should navigate a journey for mental wellness alone.
Relationships matter. You matter to us.

Please consider donating, volunteering, or reaching out if you or someone you know could benefit from our services.

Barb Barlow, MNS
Executive Director Mental Health America of Fredericksburg (MHAfred)

618 Kenmore Drive, Suite 2A; Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401
540-371-2704 (Local Office & HELPLINE)
540-372-3709 FAX
866-400-6428 Virginia Peer Warm Line (Listening, Support & Information)